Specially formulated to passivate and re-passivate stainless steel.
Low-foaming designed to attack beer stone and scale.
Acid cleaner #5 is specially formulated for cleaning and passivating stainless steel tanks.
Acid cleaner #5 is a blend of inorganic acids with a low foam detergent designed to rapidly attack scale and stone to leave metal surfaces sparkling. This special acid blend will help remove the stubborn protein stain (blue rainbow) as well as food deposits like starch. Acid cleaner #5's low foaming characteristic enhances cleaning action when applied by circulation, spray or agitated soak cleaning. It is especially formulated to passivate and repassivate stainless steel.
Acid Rinse
Make solution of 1 oz. per 10 gallons of water
Circulate the solution for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 50°-140°F
Drain, rinse, and sanitize before use
Acid Wash
Make solution of 1 oz. per 1 gallon of water
Circulate the solution for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 50°-140°F
Drain, rinse, and sanitize before use
Initial Acid Passivation
After cleaning vessel, make a solution of 5 oz. of Acid #5 to 1 gallon of water
Circulate for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 120°F
Drain vessel and ALLOW TO AIR DRY
Vessel must air dry in order to achieve successful passivation
After letting equipment air dry, rinse before sanitizing
Sanitize before use
After cleaning vessel, make a solution of 1 oz. of Acid #5 to 1 gallon of water
Circulate for 30 minutes at a temperature of 120°F
Drain vessel and ALLOW TO AIR DRY
Vessel must air dry in order to achieve successful passivation
After letting equipment air dry, rinse before sanitizing
Sanitize before use
Please note:Intended for commercial use. Due to DOT HAZMAT shipping restrictions, orders for 15-gallon, 55-gallon, or multiple 1-gallon or 5-gallon units will require freight shipping. HAZMAT items are not able to be returned.